Ux/UI case study

Recruiting software

10 min read

ATS (applicant tracking system) is a recruitment tool that combines sourcing candidates, posting jobs, and tracking recruitment performance,


Purpose of the project

Design a part of a web application for management of recruitment process.

The designed fragment of a tool included the process of adding a new job advertisement by HR Manager. An additional attention this was putted on the view of the dashboard and the needs related to its functionalities.

Project Duration

28.02.2022 - 12.03.2022


HR Management


Design process

Empethize/Discover & define
  • Identify and analyze 2 choosen competitors
  • Define users: problems, needs and goals
  • Create: persona, user stories, user flow
  • Define functionalities
Wireframe & Design
  • Create lo-fi sketches
  • Design hi-fi wireframes
  • Design style guide
  • Design final ui

Competition analysis (pros & cons)


Enables the creation and management of a searchable database of candidates and the conduct of recruitment processes at every stage.

Working with a standardized recruitment process for each candidate, thanks to consistent communication in all fields of contact with the candidate

Ease of use, modern user interface.

Insufficient number of integrations and speed-up integrations.


It is a tool supporting recruitment processes, offering a spectrum of automation and know-how.

Transparent presentation of the recruitment process (step by step) that shows different candidates at different stages of recruitment. This allows you to efficiently supervise where you are in the recruitment process.

Ease of use, modern user interface.

Offers solutions and automation functions that can save you a lot of time.

Integration with places to publish advertisements, one-time publication.

Too much complexity in some task.


Mapping the designed process for 2 analyzed competitors and it’s analysis

Undertaken actions:

  • Writing down ideas for improvements and a new solutions in response to identified problems.
  • Listing the information and functionalities that should be included on each screen. Their initial grouping.

Ideas to meet the needs example:

  • Hints on how to complete a given field so that the advertisement is more effective and reflects a more complete picture of the offer
  • Access to recently entered data, quick hints with fruequent used options

Preview of more dicovery and ideation activites

Persona, user stories, user flow


Main challenges found on during research phaze

  • Lack of agregation and clear knowledge of what steps should be taken in each recruitment, so there is no information needed for daily work planning.
  • Optimizing the recruitment process, looking for automation, reducing their labor consumption.
  • Creating a clear (uncluterred) and intuitive interface with helpful functionalities in choosen area.
  • Achiave more unified hiring process within the company and accelerate workflow. Balance between uniformity and additional needs of some recruitements.
  • Attention to the readability and professionalism of the appearance and content of the offer.
  • Need to reach potential candidates on social media and easily publish listings simultaneously on multiple platforms.
  • Introduction of too much text, resulting in information overload. No brief description of the capabilities offered by the tool.Starting from hero section and including sections about functionalities.
  • Use of treatments that distracts users attention from main content and action of website.
  • Using visualisations that don’t give the user image of the tool.
  • Lack of visual weight in a section with a CTA action that is not visible against the page.

Generated & visualysed solutions

07/13 |  Starting point of the process



Dashboard presenting information important from the point of view of the recruiter in various sections, enabling quick insight into the recruitment status, planning daily activities within various recruitments, their logical grouping with the function of summarizing the most important information and keeping track of their dates.

Creation new recrutation - options


Easy creation and use of templates as part of repetitive activities (creating and publishing a job advertisement), seamless search for a template by location and position.
09/13   |  Step 3 of the process

Filling out the offer details form - functionalities

This is the only such a comprehensive section, promises!


  • Providing hints with available options for a given company where possible. This ensures consistency within the advertisements of one organization and makes it easier to complete the form. (we avoid discrepancies, for example in the title of positions)
  • Providing autocomplete where possible, which makes the entire process faster and much less demanding.
  • The presence of delicate infotips on the right side, advising how and why you should complete the fields so that the advertisement contains information important from the point of view of a potential candidate. It improves the reception of the company and increases the probability of attracting a candidate to an application.


  • Prominent status of the process progress. Clear information about current step and it’s categories, scroll to section option by clicking on the subcategories links on purple part of progress bar.
  • Providing the possibility of choosing the form of the entered descriptive data. In a clear form of bullet points (which are at the same time clearer and easier to digest on the job advertisement page) or in the form of a single text field.
  • Introducing a convenient form of selecting templates within text fields related to obligations, benefits and skills. Convenience lies in the non-invasive form of a side-openable panel that does not change our context like a regular modal. Additionally, the concise form and the presence of select all improves the search experience.
10/13   |  Step 4 of the process

Recquiritment process setup

Solutions 1

  • Offer a consistent form of recruitment process in a given company.
  • Adding a stage of selecting process steps in the form, ensuring its consistency among employees of one organization by selecting the default process for the team / organization and the possibility of creating templates.
  • The element that differentiates this solution from others is the ability to preview and edit the automation in each step of the default process already at this stage.

Solutions 2

  • Provide solutions for consistent form of job advertisements and their templates.
  • Possibility to save and use ready-made team templates for the whole offer or a selected part of the form.
  • Convenient template search with the ability to filter results by company, department and job position.
  • Handy options to select all content from a category template.
11/13   |  Step 45of the process

Application form


Maintain consistency in the core part of the form while allowing personalization of application forms to provide valuable and more detailed information to the recruiter.
12/13   |  Step 5 of the process

Preview and offer publication


Enable a preview function to conveniently check your offer page filled with valuable and straightforwad information for the candidate about the offer and company.


Easily publish listing to multiple platforms simultaneously – directly from ATS System. What's more, you can publish an offer directly to specific social media groups where a large group of potential cadidates looks for job.
13/13   |  Step 6 of the process

Preview and offer publication


  • Prividing valuable tips to get you off to a good start that will make your recruiting process more effective, efficient, and less labor-intensive, like AI Mach, a system that selects candidate applications to match requirements and pass the minimum of them.
  • Displaying an offer publication summary with clear information on which platform the offer was successfully published and direct links to preview these offer on those platforms.

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